Winter Dessert Drinks


Jenna Heng

Hot chocolate recipes and step by step directions to make your own at home version of a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha flood the internet at this time of year. But what about cold dessert drinks? Winter hardly seems like the optimal time to make an ice cream treat, but Santa Shakes and Apple Cider Floats can be tempting treats to enjoy during the holidays.

Santa Shakes only require two ingredients, eggnog and peppermint ice cream. The result is a sweet, minty and filling shake. Although not optimal to enjoy right after escaping snow, this recipe is easy and fast to make.

To make Santa Shakes simply put peppermint ice cream and eggnog in a blender. The amounts of ice cream and eggnog can be adjusted depending on how creamy you would like your shake to be. Then, blend the two ingredients until their consistency is at your liking.

Apple Cider Floats require a few more ingredients, but it is still a recipe that is lacking in complexity. To make these floats place a few scoops of vanilla ice cream in a cup and add apple cider. Amounts can be adjusted to your liking. For additional taste, add whip cream, cinnamon, and caramel sauce.