Foreign Language Clubs Coming Together

Janet Carter, a Spanish teacher at Shawnee Mission West and the leader of the International Club, is heading an increased collaboration between foreign language clubs. She is organizing activities that bring all of these clubs, and anyone who wants to come attend, together. Yesterday she hosted a movie day after school that included free snacks and Toy Story 3. This Friday she is leading an outing to China Star after school. Again, you do not need to be in any specific club to attend; you only need to contact Carter for more details. On December 15, Carter is planning a White Elephant Gift Exchange. You only need to bring a $1 gift to participate.

Argel Moncayo, a member of International Club, encourages other students to join, and says, “Everyone should join International Club because people can learn about other cultures, and also so they can promote camaraderie among other foreign clubs.”

Carter was also the one who organized the Foreign Club Olympics, and she will certainly not disappoint as she continues to create these fun events in the future.