Giving Back
During the month of November, West is gathering cans in first hour classes. These non-perishable foods will go towards The Johnson County Christmas Bureau. Our goal is too reach 10,000 cans in a matter of eighteen days. But the Bureau needs other items. As the number of families in poverty increases the donations have decreased. West has been on top of this by gathering cans and also have been able to help those in need through the SNHS Clothing Drive.
The Johnson County Christmas Bureau is a non-profit organization helping low-income families with groceries, clothing, toys, and more. Many of their items are gifts for kids on Christmas morning. Participants that are unable to pay are not turned away. JCCB collects donations year round.
For the holidays the Bureau asks for about 3,000 volunteer over a two week period from set-up to take-down. Volunteers are needed to direct families around and help them shop with in their qualifications. 86% of these recipients are women and children and 10% are two and under.
For donations they take everything from toiletries to food and everything in between. The Christmas Bureau has several locations.
If you would like to Volunteer Click Here
If you would like to donate Click Here