Junior Days

Junior days are for juniors in high school that are starting to plan for college. Colleges host these days for students to come out and get a tour of the campus and information about what the school has to offer. Here are some colleges in Kansas that are having college days:


  • Monday, November 18
  • Friday, December 6
  • Monday, December 9

$20 per student and $15 for each parent, family member, or guest, which covers program materials, parking, and lunch

Pittsburg State

Saturday, March 29

Students, parents and guests are $10 per person and siblings under the age of 18 are FREE


Registration for KU junior days will start in January

Some colleges don”t have a designated day for juniors but you can most likely plan a day to go down there and visit the campus. You can go to the college’s website and get a hold of someone in charge. You must register ahead of time because the days get filled up.